Tuesday, November 17, 2009

An End to Snoring?

Snoring is problem not only for the snorer but for anyone unfortunate enough to have to sleep with them or even near them.

Disrupted sleep can effect your immune system and leave you tired and lackluster during the day not to mention the dangers of snoring such as sleep apnia which can potentially be deadly!

In any case, if you are a snorer or you live with one being able to stop snoring is something that will help your well being long into the future.

For more information on how to stop snoring visit this site:

Stop Snoring

It has details on how you can approach this in a step-by-step manner to completely eliminate snoring once and for all.

Reiki - Can it Help you Look and Feel Great?

I have been a bit of a skeptic of Reiki in the past but more recently I have sen and heard some things that have changed my point of view.

Judith Conroy is an author of a guide about how to become a Reiki master which you can download off the net.

She claims to be able to teach reiki without needing a reiki master to "transfer energy to you" which makes sense to me. If you need a master all the time who started it all anyway??

In any case, if you want to know more about Reiki visit her site here:


There is a very good free into guide you can sign up for on the front page which I highly recommend you investigate.

Can Lucid Dreaming Help Your Mental Health?

Being able to control your dreams is an interesting concept. However is there much use to it? Is it merely a distraction to your nights sleep or does it help your mental health to some degree?

My belief is that it IS helpful to your health because it does not disturb your sleep, in fact it can make you sleep better because you can control disturbing dreams and banish them.

You can also use lucid dreaming to uncover many things about yourself through your subconscious that you may not understand when you are awake.

The possibilities of what you can do when you lucid dream are quite large.

So how do you do this? It is obviously not an easy thing to do or we could all be doing it. I am not an expert on the matter but a guide that is helping me discover more and more each night came to my attention a few weeks back.


This is an excellent e-book that will take you through the process step by step if you are interested in lucid dreaming and out of body experiences.