If you want to build great muscle mass but have a skinny body you face an uphill battle due to the double edged sword of your genetically high metabolism which keeps you skinny by consuming energy fast enough there is nothing left to go to fat cells but is also responsible for not leaving anything left to feed skinny guys muscles either!
Here are 4 tips you need to consider when planning to turn your body from skinny to muscular.
1. Make a plan
Planning is important for many things in life for a number of reasons. It helps you organize, it keeps you motivated and it creates the time and space you need to get what you want done. When you want to build muscles to look and feel better and stronger this is the same because it can be frustrating at times and will take time and energy to do in the long run. Make sure you plan out when you need to go to the gym, what you need to eat, what your weight goal might be and even what you will do each day to increase your muscle mass.
2. Change your diet to eat more
This is a biggie for skinny guys who want bigger muscles. As has been mentioned your metabolism fights your muscle growth because your body never has enough energy and nutrients for muscle repair. To combat this you must learn to eat much more calories than you are used to so that you body cannot burn through them so fast there is nothing left. Try eating non filling high calorie and protein foods such as pasta, rice, avocado, tuna and salmon in olive oil and others that allow you to each a lot without being full but pack in much needed calories.
3. Shorter more intense workouts
While you may start out being able to lift much do not lower the weight to lift more as this defeats the purpose of placing stress on your muscles that is the driving force behind muscle growth and development of strength. Shorter more muscularly exhausting weight lifting sessions are your best friend for skinny guy's muscles and their eventual growth.
4. Rest more exercise less
This may sound crazy to start with ... surly time and effort equals results right? WRONG! The body needs rest time to repair and increase muscle mass so hitting the gym every day actually gives the body problems with diverting energy to what you want; Bigger ripped muscles. Instead if you stress your muscles enough and take a bit more time in-between workout days you will double your results by doing the right thing by your body.
This only touches on the key aspects of skinny bodybuilding, so if you want a more complete guide written by a guy who was just like you before he discovered the secrets of skinny guy muscle building click below for more information.