Monday, December 28, 2009
PCOS All Natural Cures - How To Stop PCOS to Look and Feel Great!
Natural treatments are the most effective ways to reverse PCOS because natural methods treat the root cause of the problem. natural cures also have more benefits to your health compared to traditional ways of managing the condition.
Hormone Therapy - Some doctors get the wrong impression and believe that PCOS can be managed with hormone replacement therapy. This is not only wrong but it also can hurt a woman's health! Hormone therapy is designed to bolster hormones especially estrogen because the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome are caused by unbalanced hormones. This is short sighted however as the hormonal imbalance is just a symptom of a deeper problem. Also, HRT has been known to increase risks of breast cancer, Alzheimers disease and heart attacks.
Drugs - Like hormone replacement therapy other drug based solutions miss the point because they try to overcome the symptoms not the root cause of PCOS. Some drugs do recognize that the base problems need to be addressed but do not solve the problem but only bring temporary relief ... this means it is STILL THERE! As soon as you stop taking the drugs the menstrual pain, infertility, hair, weight gain and all the other PCOS problems will return. Not to mention many women suffer terrible side effects when on certain drugs.
So what is the root cause of PCOS you are probably wondering and how do you fix it.
The root cause of PCOS is Insulin Resistance. This is a condition where the body produces insulin which is used to take glucose from your blood to feed to the body for various functions - In your case however the insulin does not work very well. As such, the body makes massive amounts of insulin in the hopes that more insulin will equal more energy as a small percentage of a lot might be enough.
What this means is that your body is flooded with the hormone insulin
This causes your other hormones to go haywire and become unbalanced which results in fluctuations of estrogen, progesterone and other hormones which sends your menstrual cycle into turmoil and thus ... PCOS happens.
So to overcome PCOS you must fix insulin resistance which requires a combination of a change in diet, how you think and also a bunch of other lifestyle changes which can balance your hormones and cater for your insulin resistance so it does not happen again.
For more information on how my sister did this and how the same methods helped me shrink painfully large ovarian cysts click below.
Treat PCOS Naturally
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
An End to Snoring?
Disrupted sleep can effect your immune system and leave you tired and lackluster during the day not to mention the dangers of snoring such as sleep apnia which can potentially be deadly!
In any case, if you are a snorer or you live with one being able to stop snoring is something that will help your well being long into the future.
For more information on how to stop snoring visit this site:
Stop Snoring
It has details on how you can approach this in a step-by-step manner to completely eliminate snoring once and for all.
Reiki - Can it Help you Look and Feel Great?
Judith Conroy is an author of a guide about how to become a Reiki master which you can download off the net.
She claims to be able to teach reiki without needing a reiki master to "transfer energy to you" which makes sense to me. If you need a master all the time who started it all anyway??
In any case, if you want to know more about Reiki visit her site here:
There is a very good free into guide you can sign up for on the front page which I highly recommend you investigate.
Can Lucid Dreaming Help Your Mental Health?
My belief is that it IS helpful to your health because it does not disturb your sleep, in fact it can make you sleep better because you can control disturbing dreams and banish them.
You can also use lucid dreaming to uncover many things about yourself through your subconscious that you may not understand when you are awake.
The possibilities of what you can do when you lucid dream are quite large.
So how do you do this? It is obviously not an easy thing to do or we could all be doing it. I am not an expert on the matter but a guide that is helping me discover more and more each night came to my attention a few weeks back.
This is an excellent e-book that will take you through the process step by step if you are interested in lucid dreaming and out of body experiences.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Are You Skinny? Build Muscle the Right Way
Skinny? Build muscle the right way for your body type with these three tips for skinny guy bodybuilding that can have you turning your slim frame into slabs of rock hard muscle.
- Eat More - If you are a skinny guy there you have to know that your metabolism, the process in your body that converts food into energy and nutrients is very high compared to other people. This is what keeps you so skinny because it burns through energy so fast that there is very rarely anything left to store in fat cells like others with slower metabolisms do. This means that you also have very little energy left to feed your muscles most of the time so when you workout the work you do is not capitalized on as well as it should. Try to eat foods that are small in size but do not fill you and have a high amount of calories and protein such as: Whole eggs, Avocado, Tuna and Salmon in olive oil, rice and pasta.
- Quality not Quantity - This is in relation to your workouts. Doing lots of reps will not stress your muscles and force them to react and grow accordingly. It may increase your muscle endurance but if you are aiming on increasing mass to stop looking so damned skinny then you need to lift heavier weights and really challenge yourself ... within reason of course. Fewer reps, heavier weights and even shorter sessions if you do it right because over exercising can be a trap many people who are ultra keen to start fall into and waste time and energy that could be used for...
- Rest for Repair - Recovery is an important part of building muscles for a skinny guy especially. If you do not rest enough your body does not have enough time and energy to repair your muscles which is what makes them bigger. If you hit the gym every day you are actually inhibiting the processes in your body that will make you stronger and add mass as long as you eat the right diet and have exercised correctly.
This can get you only so far though, if you really want to know how to pack on the pounds and get ripped really fast you need a complete plan made BY a former skinny guy FOR skinny guys because what you read in the bodybuilding magazines is a scam ... click below to find out more.
Monday, March 2, 2009
6 Rules to Gain Muscle From Skinny Beginnings
For years the bodybuilding industry has been growing as they sell new products like weight gain supplements and an amazing variety of complex and often completely USELESS gimmicks and machines. Building muscles from skinny bodies is what fuels this rampant expansion because if you are a skinny guy and have tried to pack on some muscle mass you may have found it quite difficult and they know this!
To save you hundreds of dollars on things you do not need and redirect your efforts and funds to more important things here are 5 rules you need to follow to build muscle from skinny beginnings.
1. Eat More Calories
I know what you are thinking "I want to get big and muscular not big and FAT!" but eating more is not going to generate flab if you know what you are doing. You see the skinny guy's body is a hyper metabolizing machine! IT burns through calories so fast usually that there is nothing left to go to fat which is why you are skinny, however it is a double edged sword and the same high metabolism also eats away the energy and nutrients needed to feed your muscles after a workout meaning you get little to no muscle growth!
2. Strength Not Endurance
Do you think you are going to grow large muscles by lifting a smaller weight many times or if you lift a heavier weight fewer times? If you chose the former BUH-BOW! WRONG! Repetition does not encourage your body to grow stronger it will only give you more muscle endurance which is difference and does make you look ripped and feel great. Instead you need to stress those muscle because the more stress you place on them the more blood pumps into them and the more the muscles actually tear and break which then get repaired later which creates muscle mass.
3. Forget Isolation Exercises
The gym machines that just focus on a few muscle groups and not as beneficial to you as weight exercises like bent over rows and others that recruit muscles from many more parts of the body. This is more efficient for overall body tone and muscle development ... even non-skinny guys should follow this bit of advice.
4. Short and Intense workouts
You do not need to be at the gym for 1 to 2 hours every day doing marathon gym sessions. After a certain time your muscles can handle no more and you may as well pack up and head home. Instead you are better off making your exercises count where you need it in short but highly intense weight lifting sessions. 30 to 45 minutes may be all you need if you push yourself and your muscles to the limit in that period the right way.
All of this is moot if you want to build muscles from your skinny body if you do not REST. The body needs time to repair and use those extra calories you have eaten to feed and repair the muscles you have been working on. If you hit the gym too soon you will actually stop the body in the process of recovery and gain nothing. Instead make sure you don't go every day, alternate or leave a few days between each session and you will have more time to recover and build muscles and more time for yourself too.
6.Persistance and Motivation
It can be a tough journey and it can be a LONG journey for skinny hard gainers but if you ask anyone who has decided to change their bodies when they thought they could not be it getting muscles from skinny genetics or becoming skinny from being a larger individual everyone that actually successes will tell you, "It is not easy, it was HARD ... but I stuck at it and kept going and eventually I got there!". Simply put, as long as you know the end goal and you have a map and a set of rules to follow YOU WILL GET THERE, don't give up part way.
So if you want to gain muscle from skinny arms, legs, chest and more to not only make yourself look good but make you feel great too click below to find out exactly how to apply these rules in your day to day routine for bodybuilding success written by a former skinny guy FOR skinny guys!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Skinny Guys Gain Muscle Poorly Without This Information
Skinny guys gain muscle if they know their body type and know how it can inhibit muscle growth. Skinny guys gain muscle if they have a plan and a change of lifestyle to gain the muscular ripped body they want. Skinny guys DO NOT gain muscle if they read bodybuilding magazines and follow the advice of other guys who do not have a skinny body type because things are different for you because of your high metabolism.
Let me explain.
Genetically you have a metabolism that burns through energy created by food so fast that is powers the body and mind just fine but leaves nothing left that will be stored as fat cells; this is why you are so skinny. It also means that the same process leaves nothing left to feed, repair and grow your muscles and that is why regular bodybuilding information is bad for you because it rarely take this into account.
So what information do you need so skinny guys gain muscle?
Firstly you know how your body works in regards to metabolism so now you need to work around it. You can do this by eating more and putting more calories in your body because if you have more calories that it is used to your metabolism can not burn it fast enough so there will be leftovers that if you do not exercise will become fat but if you hit the gym and lift weights will be diverted to the muscles in need to increase that muscle mass and make you stronger and better looking.
You also need to know how to work out because less extreme body types gain muscle even if they work out badly but you need to do it the right way every time to pack on the pounds. This involves shorter, high intensity, high weight, low reps, total body workouts to stress the muscles all over to a high degree which promotes growth not just muscle tone which you are naturally good at.
This can get you started on your quest for a better body but for all the information on how skinny guys gain muscle from a former skinny guy who knows every secret including diet, exercise and the poorly understood requirement for good rest click below.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
4 Skinny Guys Muscle Building Tips
If you want to build great muscle mass but have a skinny body you face an uphill battle due to the double edged sword of your genetically high metabolism which keeps you skinny by consuming energy fast enough there is nothing left to go to fat cells but is also responsible for not leaving anything left to feed skinny guys muscles either!
Here are 4 tips you need to consider when planning to turn your body from skinny to muscular.
1. Make a plan
Planning is important for many things in life for a number of reasons. It helps you organize, it keeps you motivated and it creates the time and space you need to get what you want done. When you want to build muscles to look and feel better and stronger this is the same because it can be frustrating at times and will take time and energy to do in the long run. Make sure you plan out when you need to go to the gym, what you need to eat, what your weight goal might be and even what you will do each day to increase your muscle mass.
2. Change your diet to eat more
This is a biggie for skinny guys who want bigger muscles. As has been mentioned your metabolism fights your muscle growth because your body never has enough energy and nutrients for muscle repair. To combat this you must learn to eat much more calories than you are used to so that you body cannot burn through them so fast there is nothing left. Try eating non filling high calorie and protein foods such as pasta, rice, avocado, tuna and salmon in olive oil and others that allow you to each a lot without being full but pack in much needed calories.
3. Shorter more intense workouts
While you may start out being able to lift much do not lower the weight to lift more as this defeats the purpose of placing stress on your muscles that is the driving force behind muscle growth and development of strength. Shorter more muscularly exhausting weight lifting sessions are your best friend for skinny guy's muscles and their eventual growth.
4. Rest more exercise less
This may sound crazy to start with ... surly time and effort equals results right? WRONG! The body needs rest time to repair and increase muscle mass so hitting the gym every day actually gives the body problems with diverting energy to what you want; Bigger ripped muscles. Instead if you stress your muscles enough and take a bit more time in-between workout days you will double your results by doing the right thing by your body.
This only touches on the key aspects of skinny bodybuilding, so if you want a more complete guide written by a guy who was just like you before he discovered the secrets of skinny guy muscle building click below for more information.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Skinny People - Muscle Building Tips For Ectomorphs
Skinny people, muscles, Ectomorphs?? Confused? No need to be it is quite simple. Ectomorph is the scientific name given to those body types that are naturally skinny and lithe due to their high metabolism.
This means that if you are the sort of guy that finds it really hard to gain weight via fat or muscle you are mostly likely an Ectomorph that has a body that consumes energy from food so fast there is nothing left to go to fat and also nothing left to feed your muscles when they need it making muscle building a chore for many skinny people who do not know how to overcome and work around their natural predisposition to burn energy like a furnace!
Here are a few tips that you as an Ectomorphs need to adhere to so that you can give yourself the best chance at the muscular, ripped body you want rather than the weak skinny body you have.
- Eat more - You need to intake much more calories to overcome your high metabolism so you can have enough energy and nutrients left to feed your muscles and add mass.
- Intensity over time - You need to lift heavier weights more than doing repetitions because only high stress on muscles will cause your body to react and grow the muscles to adapt.
- Rest to repair - You need to rest enough to give your body time to repair and therefore grow these muscles or you will waste your gym sessions by denying you skinny people muscle growth time it needs.
For a more complete explanation of all these factors click below to find out more:
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Go From Skinny to Muscle Bound Without Supplements
Supplements have their uses in bodybuilding but the people who get the most benefit from the sales of the products are the companies that make them ... not you. To go from skinny to muscle man you need to pay attention to your genetics and how they work before you simply hit the gym and chug down loads of useless weight gain supplements because there is a faster, better and easier way that simply involves a few changes to the way you have been doing things.
Firstly you need to realize that you have to eat, exercise and rest differently from the other guys at the gym with less skinny genetics that you because this is what makes it difficult for you to gain muscle. It comes down to your metabolism which is much higher than other people and is the part of you that keeps you skinny by burning through energy so fast there is nothing left to go to fat; it also means there is nothing left to feed the muscles.
So what do you need to change to go from skinny to muscle?
Simply put you need to:
- Eat more calories to overcome your fast metabolism and have energy and nutrients left to feed the muscle.
- Lift heavier weights not do more repetitions and only high stress on muscles will cause your body to react and grow the muscles to adapt.
- Rest enough to give your body time and energy to repair and grow these muscles or you will waste your gym sessions.
For a more complete explanation of all these factors click below to find out more:
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Skinny to Muscle - 3 Myths Disproved
For years upon years skinny guys sick of their body image have tried to change this by going from skinny to muscle man as quickly as they can to be stronger, look better and feel better about themselves and their health too.
This is something the bodybuilding industry is keenly aware of and as such they have been selling bogus products and misleading information to the skinny guys wanting more muscle mass by not giving them the information they need for their particular body type!
Here are three myths you might have come across and the truth behind them so you can be informed when you start your journey to go from skinny to muscle bound.
1. You have to work harder!
It seems to make sense doesn't it? You are skinny and under muscled so you have to work harder and workout more to pack on the pounds and get ripped. This however is either completely WRONG or it is something that has been heavily misinterpreted.
You do not need to hit the gym every day for hours on end. This will not help you at all because you will never give your body time to rest and repair the muscles that have been stressed which is what makes it grow. Also there is no point in lifting the same weight over and over and over again, more reps does not mean more muscle at all; more intensity is what you need.
Instead of lifting more times lift heavier weights, this stresses the muscles more which is what you need and you will only need to spend a fraction of the time before you stress it enough for a single session. A good intense gym session can last for 30-45 minutes if done right and produce excellent results.
2. Skinny guys lose their muscle quickly
While it is true that skinny guys can lose muscle mass quickly if you do not continue exercising this is only if you revert back to your old ways of doing things just as a bigger guy with a slower metabolism will turn to fat if he does not keep up with exercise and a good diet.
IF skinny guys gain muscle you can keep this new physique with exercise and a diet that suits your metabolism but you do not need to take lots of supplements or continue to sweat it out every day again for hours to just stay in shape. Am lifestyle change can give you the body you want with some initial hard work then upkeep.
3. You need to eat more food
This is actually true but needs a little clarity. You need to eat more of the right kinds of food!
Your body will require more calories that it did previously to give you muscles the energy and nutrients needed to repair and grow from skinny to muscle. You need to eat the right sorts of foods though to get this effect which should be foods high in calories but low in volume so you do not feel bloated.
Try eating avocado, tuna and salmon in olive oil, pasta, rice and so on.
To really turn your skinny body into slabs of lean ripped muscle though you need a plan for all of this written by a former skinny guy who beat his genetics and become a champion bodybuilder FOR the skinny guy. Click below to find out more truths to skinny to muscle information.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Muscles For Skinny Guys is Easy If You Know How
Muscles for skinny guys has been the goal for millions of guys young and old across the world who have become sick and tired of their scrawny frame and want to bulk it out to look better, feel better and be better too; the trouble most face is how to go about it.
Some guys hit the gym straight away with whirlwind and energy and great motivation to find very little growth from their efforts while others research all they can and follow the advice of the bodybuilding magazines only to find the same level of poor results taking that so called expert advice.
So why is it that muscles for skinny guys is so hard to achieve?
The simple answer is you are doing it wrong! The more complete answer is that you are doing it wrong because no one has told you how to build muscle for you body type correctly to overcome your blessing and your curse: your high metabolism.
The body's metabolism is the process that converts food into energy and nutrients that is used by your body for a multitude of important things. It is a blessing in that because it is high it consumes your energy so fast there is no excess left to go to fat keeping you skinny but the curse is the double edged sword that means there is nothing left to feed the muscle when you workout at the gym so your efforts are in vain.
So what can you do about this problem to build muscle for skinny guys and your high metabolism? The answer lies in many factors but the first step is that you need to obviously exercise and lift weights but you need to intake much more food that before to make sure you have enough calories to build muscles on your skinny frame that cannot be eaten away by your body before it gets to that phase.
To find out more about how to change your diet and the best ways to exercise for skinny guys to build muscle mass click below to find out how a former skinny guy come bodybuilder did and how he can help you ...
Friday, February 20, 2009
From Skinny to Muscle Man - 3 Tips For Your Journey
Working out to get the body you want from the body that you are not happy with can be challenging for any body type but to go from skinny to muscle is possibly the hardest for many guys to do because you are battling their genetics often without the right tools and information you need.
It primarily comes down to your metabolism which is higher than most people which is the prime factor in keeping you skinny but also inhibits muscle growth because it leave very little energy to feed the muscle as a side effect to leaving no energy to become fat. Here are 3 quick tips to help you overcome your natural genetics to go from skinny to muscle fast!
- Intake more calories - Simply put your body burns through calories too fast so to counter this you simply need to eat more. The problem many skinny guys that want to build muscle face is that they become too full so concentrate on foods that are high in protein and calories but are not too filling.
- Lift heavier not more times - Muscles grow due to stress on them not the amount of times you do an action. Each time you lift heavy weights and you struggle and sweat and puff to do it blood is brought to those muscles with the things needed to repair them and it also creates tears in the muscle tissue that when repaired become muscle mass and so you get growth. If it is too easy .. up the weight some more.
- Rest to build muscles - Seems counter-intuitive doesn't it ... taking time off and your muscles will grow? Yet it is true because muscles do not grow when you stress them at the gym, they grow when you rest and your body diverts the nutrients and energy needed to repair the muscles. If you exercise every day you body does not get a chance to recover and you waste time and energy and money trying to go from skinny to muscle man!
This only scratches the surface on what a skinny guys need to do to get ripped and create the body they want and deserve rather than the body they have been stuck with for so long. To find out all the secrets of skinny bodybuilding click below to find out how a former skinny guy got muscular and how he can help you too ...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Muscle Mass, Skinny Body Types & You
So, you have looked at yourself in the mirror and seen a skinny, scrawny guy (or girl!) looking back and you have had enough? Don't feel along or embarrassed because this is a scene repeated thousands of times a day across the world by people wanting muscle mass, skinny body types just like yours looking back at them too.
The problem many skinny people face when they try to find out more about how to build muscle mass is that the regular bodybuilding magazines and resources are not really geared for them and are aimed more for people with more balanced genetics than your own. To build muscle mass, skinny or not you do need to do similar things but if you follow them blindly you will end up with quite poor results due to one primary difference between you; the skinny guy or girl and others with a naturally fuller frame:
Your metabolism
This is the process that keeps you skinny by consuming energy so fast there is nothing left to go to fat but it also means there is nothing left to feed the muscle also!
This means you need to approach your task quite differently than other people by combating this genetic trait by working smarter and not harder by in taking more calories than you are used to, to give energy for muscle mass growth and also concentrating on weight lifting that accelerates mass and strength but not toning which you are a natural at anyway with your high metabolism.
For more complete information on how to build muscles for skinny guys click here to find out exactly how to do this with eating, exercise and rest too ...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
5 Better Lovemaking Tips for Steamy Sex
If you want great, hot, passionate sex and not just the same routine over and again then pay attention to these better lovemaking tips for both men and women!
1. Discover Your Partners ‘Hidden Zones’
While there are some pretty obvious places like the breasts, genitals, inner thighs, lips and so on many people do not realize that both men and women have other areas that are very sensitive to kisses and caresses that can drive them wild and intensify their orgasms if done right.
These places vary from person to person but try paying attention to the ears, neck, arms, back and other less obvious places to see what they like then stimulate those areas gently during foreplay for better love making when he time comes.
2. Use Romance & Mood
This may sound cheesy and cliché for many people (mainly guys!) but women especially react very strongly to mood and romance so do not dismiss it! Candles, flower petals, music, fragrances and so on can be used to make a sexual experience something SPECIAL not just another romp in the sack.
The trick is to not be too obvious about it, make it a surprise on occasion and keep things fresh! Women also do not dismiss this, guys do not react as much as women to romance but if you are waiting in bed with candles and rose petals and sexy underwear it is amazing how much the scene immediately infects a mans mind with the same sense of romance.
3. Sensual, Sexual Massages
Again it may seem clichéd but the joy of touching and caressing the body can raise arousal levels in both men and women and has the benefit of relaxing as well as exciting at the same time. Make it a sensual and sexual massage though with plenty of focus near but not on the erogenous zones because anticipation and suspense of the main course is a massive part of building excitement and amazing orgasms.
4. Engage in More Oral Sex
Oral sex is not just for porn stars but is an amazing and selfless way of giving your partner pleasure and even build trust and strengthen your relationship by allowing someone’s mouth down there. This can also help relieve guys of performance anxiety and help give women orgasms who find it hard to reach during intercourse too.
Some tips for better oral sex are as follows:
- WOMEN - Do not just dive in and start sucking away like a Hoover, while guys love the sensation you should start slower, with soft touches and a playful attitude to build anticipation until they beg for more then take it further for more powerful orgasms.
- MEN - A mistake men make is that they try to use their tongue like a thrusting device when trying to stimulate the clitoris and vagina. IT is better and more pleasurable during this sort of lovemaking to lick the sensitive spots like an ice cream cone with wide flat licks, for more variety try to spell the alphabet with your tongue around their clitoris!
5. Constantly explore and try new things
More than all the other better lovemaking tips here for better sex this is the most important to your long term sexual fulfillment and happiness. You do not need to be hanging from the ceiling wearing kinky get ups and screaming dirty talk at each other to be new and different (unless that is what your into!) but you can always experiment a little.
A new position, a different place to make love, light role playing, a foreplay game and many more things can add something new and exciting to a love life that might get stale because no matter how much and how hard you thrust and sweat what REALLY matters is how your partner feels about this and variety will open your options up for the future and even if they do not work as well as you hoped it is new and exciting to try!
So if you want to spice up your sex life and have better lovemaking for years and years to come with sexy, passionate nights that will strengthen your relationship click below to discover how to achieve this!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
How to Attract a Girl Through Body Language
Relaxed Confidence It Attractive to Women
Approaching and attracting girls not an easy thing to do for most guys these days it seems as there no set rules in dating and women feel more empowered to be picky. In this arena the ones who know how to attract a girl through body language have a distinctive edge over those blind to such subtle moves because it is something primal and hardwired into our biology that comes to the fore when body language is used to attract and seduce.
There are a thousand tricks that you can use when applying attracting body language but the core concepts remain the same which is that your body language should exude an air of confidence and manliness!
These are linked concepts but slightly different.
Confidence is all about showing you are in control of the situation, it is often as simple as having an absence of insecurity such as fidgeting, trying to have too much personal space, darting eyes, looking down and so forth. It does not mean you need to strut or swagger that is off the scale and obviously overboard but if you want to appear confident you need to have a steady gaze and be comfortable in whatever situation you are in. Women are attracted to confident men who are in control because this is a primal element of being a good mate who can provide for them which they probably do not even realize but that is just the way humans are!
Manliness is about sexuality, it follows that if a girl is attracted to confident body language this is manly and this is true. You can also accentuate that by not being afraid to flirt by standing in masculine ways to show off your body and even yes your crotch as crass as that may seem. Subtle is the key but men not afraid to be proud of their body and manhood are seen as sexy even if you are not the best looking guy in the world without the best physique either … it is all about perception.
There is more to attraction than knowing how to attract women through body language as they will only get you part way, you need to know how to approach, how to talk, how to read group dynamics, how to read their reactions and much, much more and you need a game plan too. To find out more details on attracting women no matter who you are click below to find out more.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
6 Hot Tips on How to Seduce Women
1. Confidence
You probably have heard this one again and again and guess what … I am going to tell you once more because this is vital to seducing and bedding any woman. Women are attracted to confident men who appear in control because they are hardwired biologically to find strong men who will be good mates and providers attractive even if they are just looking for a fling too!
2. Dress Sense
As obvious as this is why do so many men pay less attention to this than they should? You do not need to be James Bond in a tuxedo but dress well for the event or location you are in and pay attention to details like ironing, the right fit, color and so forth.
3. Hygiene
Another item that means a LOT to women that some men ignore to their peril. You should look and smell nice, brush your teeth, floss, clean your ears, shave or trim your beard and take care of your hair. You do not need to be a metro-sexual if this seems to put you off just take care of your hygiene and appearance is all.
4. Learn to Approach
The first vital step in seducing women is the approach, you have one chance to impress immediately to get a foot in the door so to speak so you can move on to the next stages of seduction, this is a complex issue however and is not covered in as much depth in this article.
5. Think from Their Point of View
Another big mistake men make is to purely think from their own perspective. When engaging a woman in conversation and seduction do not just think of how you want to do things think of what she might want. This is different for every women but just doing your own thing may not be what THEY want so find out what sort of women they are and what they might want and exploit that for amazing benefits!
6. Take Charge
If you have managed to impress and have established a rapport with the women you wish to seduce then you must take charge of the situation, this does not mean forcing things or coming on too strong but you must make your intentions clear enough and be able to suggest to the lady to move on to something more be it to get her phone number, organize a date or even leave right now together depending on the situation. You can not let the opportunity pass and you can not wait for her to send every signal or to ask herself because that is a major turn off for women!
7. Keep Trying
If you do all these tips on how to seduce a women you may still get rejected or you may still stumble and screw something up but you know what … most of those other guys who are swamped with women did not just get there by force of charisma overnight, they LEARNED how to seduce women by making mistakes and fixing them and discovering bit by bit their strengths and what makes women tick.
If you want more information on how to seduce a women but do not want to stumble around in the dark for too long click below to find guides written by dating and seduction experts that can expand on confidence, the approach and exactly how women think so you are armed with every bit of information you need to be the person you want to be with women.
Monday, February 9, 2009
How To Get a Girl To Kiss You - What You Are Doing Wrong!
Well guess what! That is not going to happen!
Sorry to burst your bubble but this is not the way the world works in 99% of all cases because real men kiss women, women are attracted to real men, waiting for a kiss is pointless because you must take charge!
I may sound like some irate drill sergeant but when I found out there were guys out there just waiting and wondering why nothing would happen I had to speak out. The real question is not how to get a girl to kiss you but how to approach a girl and plant a kiss that gets reciprocated … that’s the trick.
Does this sound scary? Does this sound out of your depth? If so do not worry because so many guys who have amazing skills with women started out the same way but learnt over time exactly what women want and how to change their thinking to become the alpha male (I hate that term but it does apply) without trickery or deception just a slight change in attitude.
Here is one tip, the first kiss on a date or ever is totally over hyped and a distraction from everything else. The best ay to do it is get it over with quickly … when you feel there is an opportunity you have to take it and live with the consequences which are usually … NONE! If the opportunity was there they wanted you to do this. Another tips if you are feeling a little cheeky is to tell them “You can kiss me now” with a wink and even point at your cheek or something. That means she might kiss you and if she doesn’t you can make light of it or whatever you want.
If you want to know how to get the confidence to do all this and you still feel out of your depth click below to find complete guides that have turned nervous shy guys into chick magnets with a little information and lots of practical application.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The G-Spot - Love making Techniques to Give Her Amazing Orgasms
Women are amazing creatures compared to men when it comes to orgasms. For instance did you know that women can have many different types of orgasms depending on circumstance and technique?
Well if you have any idea of this then you may also know that the g-spot orgasm is considered the more powerful and enjoyable to females, however finding the g-spot is not that well known and g-spot love making techniques are not expressed very well so here is a quick guide to give your woman an amazing g-spot orgasm!
- Find the G-spot - To be clearer the g-spot is actually an area of a zone within the woman’s body that is located about 2 inches or so inside the vagina on the top side. It feels like a slightly ribbed bump similar to the top of your mouth in some ways to draw a comparison.
- Stimulate The G-spot - Now I imagine you are thinking how can you use your penis to stimulate that area in the best way but this may not be the best idea if you are looking to give her a g-spot orgasm. Some women find it very difficult to achieve this sort of orgasm from intercourse in fact for various reasons out of your control so if you want to experiment with this it is best to use your fingers for the best chance of success.
- IMPORTANT! Before G-spot Stimulation - Before you start prodding, poking and rubbing the g-spot know this! Most women need to have their clitoris stimulated before you move in for the g-spot, this allows them to be more excited, wetter and more aroused so it is easier to achieve the orgasm. However the clitoris may become TOO sensitive after a time to touch so communicate with your women as you go.
- Best Positions for this G-spot Love Making Technique - Basically you will need good access for your hand and something that is comfortable because it can take some time. It is also recommended it be stable because your woman can thrash around in pleasure and make you love control too! Try lying next to her as she lies on her back and you use your strongest arm to stimulate her OR get her to get into a doggy style position while you kneel behind her. Both give you all the advantages you need.
- G-spot Stimulation Techniques - Once everything else is in place it is quite simple to apply a good technique by rubbing your finger along the g-pot by bending the finger in a ‘come here’ motion within her. start slowly and lightly with the finger massage but build it to a stronger (but not rough) level to what she finds best.
- Monitor Her Enjoyment - Sometimes it can be hard to judge if she is really enjoying this and if communication is difficult it is best to watch for body language: Heavier breathing, gripping you tightly, moving about and moaning are all good though if she is thrashing too much you might be overdoing it while it is too sensitive! There is a way to make this even more pleasurable however … read on.
- Increasing The Power of the G-spot Orgasm - Nothing makes a woman’s orgasm gain in power and pleasure like prolonged intense foreplay! While this may not be the biggest secret around there is another aspect … women get bored with the same foreplay every time. To really give your woman the best experience in the bedroom for the long term variety with new and exciting ideas and subtle romance can give them the mental shove to turn an enjoyable orgasm to a mind-blowing one because of your improved g-spot love making techniques!
So if you want this great sexual power click below to find all the information you need to turn enjoyable sex to amazing, mind-blowing sex for both of you.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The most important aspect of seduction and the dating game is being able to easily meet the kind of woman you WANT to get to know better. However most guys do not really know how to do this and end up tongue-tied, blurting out something really stupid or even worse just freeze up completely as they are paralyzed by fear.
Fear of rejection, Fear of humiliation and even Fear of success and then not knowing what to do!
The good news is that this fear can be controlled and being able to meet, approach and engage women can become second nature to any man as long as he has the skills to do it.
“The Art of Approaching” is one such guide that can give you all the information you need to do this. As the author Joseph Matthews says in his book “Meeting women is not something you are born to, it is a science, a skill and therefore can be learned by anyone who puts their mind to it.” … from there it is quite apparent that Joseph knows what he is talking about and goes on to establish this fact with authority because the content of this guide is absolute dating gold!
This is the most comprehensive book on attracting women we have seen so far and so well written it is engaging and quite entertaining from beginning to end as Joseph includes many stories (some incredibly personal) from his own life as he initially bumbled his way from being a typical loveable loser to a supreme pick up artist.
The real meat of the book however is that it basically gives you a step-by-step method that can have you meeting tons of beautiful women that you perhaps never thought you had a chance with, but now you can … and will; Just some of the ideas it covers are:
- Meeting a woman
- Attracting a women
- Picking up the subtle clues that signal if she likes you
- and most importantly creating CONFIDENCE in yourself which can have you immune to rejection and uncertainty
Author Joseph Matthews says
“I used to be completely hopeless with women. I was too afraid of rejection to ever talk to a woman I found attractive. But through much trial and error, I discovered a way to overcome my fear and meet the kind of women I enjoy. I wrote this book to share my methods and hard work so that other guys don’t have to go through what I did to get good with women. I wanted it to be the ultimate starter-guide for men looking to improve their love life, and judging by the amazing emails I’m getting from readers who can now meet and attract any woman they choose, I think I succeeded.”
The thing we liked most about this guide was its no BS attitude and its focus on empowering yourself as a man before you focus on the women.
This is powerful stuff because it has the dual effect of giving confidence to yourself which acts as the best form of attracting women and it conquers the FEAR reflex that is the downfall of so many men. It also brushes aside the trickery, deception and corniness that some other guides try to teach and it goes deeper than its competitors who preach the same things especially in respect to confidence and a change of belief sets that is holding you back.
A quick summary of the major chapters include:
- The Art Of Body Language
- The Art Of Confidence
- The Art Of Approaching
- The Art Of Flirting
- The Art Of Storytelling
- The Art Of Being Social
This e-book has passed the test to become our highest rated dating guide because of its practicality, usability, insight and even the entertainment value that it will give you. Joseph is also so confident his guide will help you he offers a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied so there is no risk to you at all, only the chance at meeting great women with ease.
Click here to learn more about “The Art of Approaching”
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets - Book Review
As a relationship turns from new and exciting and started being classed as a long-term thing many couples find it harder and harder to recapture the spark of exciting, steamy sex that was so unforgettable when you first got to together.
So if you are in a long-term relationship and your sex has perhaps lost some of its excitement is “500 Lovemaking Tips and Secrets” by acclaimed author Michael Webb a good resource to bring back the fire to your bedroom? Here is what thinks.
This e-book starts with an overview of lovemaking that can give you an understanding of topics including bedroom toys, adult films, the importance of romance and some interesting facts about the Kama Sutra. There are also guides on lubrication and a brief illustrated lovemaking position guide at the back which is handy; the main meat of the book however is in the tips themselves.
The first thing you notice is that it is clear and easy to read. Every page has about 8 to 10 tips that can really inspire your sexual side without having to read through dozens of long winded paragraphs of information beside the point. When you are in the spur of the moment this book delivers the goods by simply opening on any page.
But what about the actual tips I hear you ask?
Well that is bit that makes this worthwhile. With exactly 539 lovemaking tips all up ranging from oral sex techniques and tips for both men and for women to fun foreplay games and arousal techniques to ways to make intercourse feel unique and much more sensual. There were some that seemed a bit silly or quite obvious to me but most of them were appealing to me and my wife who enjoyed the parts about where to make love that surprised me!
A word of warning though, do not sit there and try to read through this book in one go! There is too much and it is too overwhelming, this is a book to skim first and pinpoint bits and pieces as you go rather than a cover to cover guide as the tips tend to be all mixed together.
Another bonus that my wife especially appreciated was that there was nothing degrading or perverted in this guide that some other guides seem to thrive on like it was some amateur porn training guide. All the tips were unapologetically about sex of course but did not cross the line into anything over the top or overly raunchy.
So in the end, is this what you are looking for? If your sex life is not completely destroyed but is simply in a lull this is the best guide you can get for sheer size and amount of information. This is best for people who perhaps know they need something new to rekindle the spark but do not know where to start or even for people who might fear their sex life may start heading that way and want to make sure it does not become boring at all even if not all the tips are amazing most will get you there.
This however is not a guide for people who actually have sexual problems or intimacy problems which are much more drastic.
Variety is the spice of life they say and with over 500 tips this certainly has that!
Click here to visit the site for ”500 lovemaking tips & Secrets’
For more book reviews on spicing up your sex life click here
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Guy Gets Girl is one of the most unique dating & seduction guides that can be found online because it has been written by a WOMAN for MEN. Tiffany Taylor the author has written this dating guide from a woman’s perspective and it shows through strongly in her insights into how women’s minds work based on emotion more than logic.
This may sound familiar to you if you have read much on dating and male and female psychology but the amazing thing is that being written by a women to help men actually does give new insights and more information than guides that offer the same advice written by a man because a man can only make an educated guess on what women really think and what makes them tick.
That being said, is the information helpful and what does it cover?
Tiffany’s philosophy on how to be a modern day Casanova centers around not having to be a ‘pick up artist’ or some alpha male jerk but instead allowing a man to still be the nice guy he naturally is but teaches techniques that seduce without compromising your integrity.
By learning the emotional triggers that drives the female brain when it comes to love and lust this guide immediately puts you ahead of the game and you can immediately see how the more successful daters tend to come out on top even if they are not that attractive or rich. It does not end there though, the real meat of the book comes from the step by step applications of these insights when it comes to dating and seduction for many and varied situations.
Some of the best sections include:
- How to read her body language and be able to pick up on what she’s thinking but not saying.
- The best conversation starters, This is one of the hardest things to do for many men and this part makes it simple.
- The 4 best places to take a girl on a date, Forget what you know about first dates with this section becaue they are wrong.
- How to get into one-night stands with ease, and get out of them even easier, should you need to - without anyone getting hurt. This is very interesting because it comes from a woman instead of some guy who thinks they know about women and sex.
- The “Ten Commandments to Win Over a Woman”
Now while this guide does all the right things and gives you a fresh new perspective on women and dating there are some things to take into account.
This information is not free, Tiffany wrote this guide to make a profit but at $49.95 this information is not overpriced for the depth and value of the guide. It also includes a few extra guides on conversations and sex which are also good but I tend to take into account with the whole package.
The website’s language is also a little jarring in its attempt to promote their guide which is completely forgivable but some may be put off by the style of the site which would be a mistake to judge the downloadable guide on however.
That being said, Guy Gets Girl has a full 100% money back refund policy if you are not satisfied with the product and they use a reputable payment system so there will be no problems with that making a purchase of this product a win for the consumer who will have nothing to lose and everything to gain!