Friday, October 10, 2008

What Causes Tinnitus?

I suffer from a mild version of tinnitus which is a ringing in the ears that happens on occasion that has nothing to do with actual sounds that are happening. This was quite annoying but over ime it seems to have lessened for which i am thankful.

I never realy thoguht about what caused tinnitus but surfing i found this site that exlpained quite a bit

Two thing i found of interest:

  • William Shatner suffers from Tinnitus
  • It is my tinnitus that makes me sometimes have to turn the radio down even when it is very soft because the condition amplifies this sound and makes it painful!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Natural Cures For Fibroids - Do They Work?

Fibroids or Uterine Fibroids are growths that occur in a woman's uterus (the womb) that can grow quite large and cause problems for the woman who suffers from this malady. Natural cures for fibroids are often treated with very little respect by traditional medical doctors who will often recommend dangerous surgery options to remove the fibroids as the only path forward.

This is strange as natural cures for other female afflictions such as PCOS and more have been used to help women that modern medicine cannot cure for years. Herbal remedies, Chinese medicine, massage, acupuncture, diet and many other options that do not include surgery are often said to cure almost anything and even skeptics admit that there is a definite benefit to many of these things but how do they stack up versus modern medicine and surgery for uterine fibroid reduction?

Well first we must look at what a natural cures for fibroids are trying to do!

The first mistake is to think that a one shot pill can solve a problem like uterine fibroids. Surgery may seem like a quick solution in some ways but the risks involved and the damage that could be caused are often glossed over in the promise of a relief of pain. The truth is that fibroids often reduce as women age because they are caused by levels of estrogen which drops after middle age; if you can shrink your fibroids and not go through surgery you will not have problems after middle age anyway. So for those that are of childbearing years, are having complications due to uterine fibroids and want to avoid going under the knife a natural cure is all about controlling hormone levels within your own body.

If you control the hormone levels that cause the problem the problems actually shrink and the natural way to do this is a mixture of good diet, avoiding certain foods and chemicals while in taking the ones that you need. There are also many herbs and herbal remedies that can spur this along. A whole range of measures such as massage, acupuncture and detox diets can also be used to aid in the normalization of your body to great effect but only if you combine all of these things into a proper regime making these natural cures for fibroids a godsend for many women.

If you want to know more about natural methods of reducing your uterine fibroids to eliminate your period pains, constipation, infertility and more click below.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Eliminate Yeast Infections Naturally

Yeast infections, thrush, candidiasis. Whatever you call the condition it is a problem that affects nearly all women at least once in their life. For many women though yeast infections continue to come back again and again.

Modern pharmaceutical medicines can relieve the symptoms and can cure the problem once but when the itching starts again and you need to go back to the drug store over and over ... that is not a real cure.

A real cure is something that is long lasting and eliminates the problem once and for all, never to return. Drug companies know this but do not want to actually get rid of your problems because it is much more lucrative to continue making you may for temporary fixes every time!

The thing is, you CAN cure yeast infections. You CAN stop them from coming back ever again ... and what is important is you can do this naturally! No more drugs, no more creams, no more itching, no more soreness and swelling: just natural relief forever.

Click here to discover how to become thrush free in just a few hours.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

PCOS And Weight Loss

PCOS or PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome has been linked to many problems such as infertility, acne and weight gain and is more widespread in the population of woman than most people think. Recent studies have estimated that approximately one in ten women have this condition which is an astounding amount when you consider that is 10% of the world population of one gender sharing a common problem. So how is PCOS and weight loss tied together now we realize the extent of this problem?

Full article here: PCOS And Weight Loss

PCOS And Fertility

One of the leading causes of infertility in women is a condition known as PCOS (PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome). This condition is known as the hidden epidemic as it is estimated that one in ten women around the world suffers from PCOS! While the condition has many symptoms such as weight gain, acne, ovarian cysts, insulin resistance and of course PCOS and fertility are closely linked.

Full article here: PCOS And Fertility

PCOS and Infertility

Women who are trying to become pregnant have to contend with a lot of issues before they make their decision and then when attempting to conceive. There is one problem that many women do not know about which affects and estimated one in ten; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. PCOS and infertility have been linked by many studies in regards to becoming pregnant and in studies of miscarriages too.

Full article here: PCOS and Infertility

PCOS - Hidden Epidemic Or Curable Annoyance?

PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome commonly called PCOS has been estimated to affect 1 in 10 women all around the world. With 10% of the female gender suffering from this condition it is also known as the hidden epidemic also as many women do not even know they have PCOS. With numbers of this condition so high it can defiantly be called an epidemic but is it too soon to be terribly concerned with this statistic?

First the reason this condition is so hard to track is that the symptoms are not overtly easy to spot. They include:

Full article here: PCOS - Hidden Epidemic Or Curable Annoyance?

PCOS And Miscarriage - The Terrible Link

Losing a child when pregnant is a terrible thing for any couple to go through and can lead to years of grief and mental problems in some. The health risks to the mother are also substantial with women every year suffering major health problems due to birthing difficulties. PCOS and miscarriage have been linked into this awful issue as the condition of Polycystic ovary syndrome is becoming more widely known and understood.

Full article here: PCOS And Miscarriage - The Terrible Link

Is There A PCOS Cure?

With an estimated one in ten women around the world suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome along with an increasing awareness of the condition there is a chorus of voices asking is there a PCOS cure.

With mainstream medicine including doctors, pharmaceutical companies and others linked through money to these groups all offering little in the way of a permanent cure where does one look for a lasting solution? Common practice in dealing with PCOS are costly and temporary drug regimes which can cause harsh side effects and are reported to be hit and miss even then with their effectiveness, with this in mind many people are turning to alternative homeopathic medicine in desperation.

Full article here: Is There A PCOS Cure?

PCOS And Getting Pregnant - What You Need To Know

PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome known as PCOS has some very important ramifications for women who are trying to become pregnant. If you are one of the estimated 10% of women who suffer from this condition you may have serious problems when trying to conceive because of the odd hormonal imbalance in your body. This means PCOS and getting pregnant are not a good mix and even if you do become pregnant the chance of miscarriage is much higher than other women!

Full article here: PCOS And Getting Pregnant - What You Need To Know

Is There A Natural Remedy For PCOS?

The pain, frustration and even danger of having PCOS are largely ignored by mainstream medicine which has no clear answer or solution to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. The harsh drugs that can be prescribed and the lack of direction by many doctors has led to many women asking is there a natural remedy for PCOS?

Full article here: Is There A Natural Remedy For PCOS?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

PCOS Stopping you feeling great?

PCOS is a massive problem all over the world that gets relitivly little attention. It is responsible for much infertility in women and also causes weight gain and acne in grown women too making it a problem that effects many parts of you life.

Here is a good article on PCOS and a natural way to cure it!

PCOS natural treatment

Marijuana Addiction

While smoking pot gets you high and makes you feel good for a time constant use and addiction is life destroying.

Here at Look and Feel Great we know that to be truly free and feel good you need to be unshackled from addiction.

Here are some articles on the subject!

How To Stop Smoking Marijuana

How To Stop Smoking Pot

How to Quit Smoking Weed

How To Stop Marijuana Addiction

Using Meditation To Quit Marijuana

How To Quit Pot

Getting Over Pot Addiction

Treatment For Pot Addiction

Get Over Pot Addiction

Treatment For Marijuana Addictions

Saturday, March 22, 2008


There is nothing worse that can make you feel lower than having an STD like herpes.

The negative feelings and pain and problems this causes can certainly make you NOT look and feel great.

If you have this terrible condition have a look at this site i found it might help!

natural herpes remedy

Friday, February 29, 2008

Overcome Depression

If you have depression then you know just how hard it is to cope with and just how seemingly impossible it is to be rid of.

The lack of drive, melancholy and in extreme cases thoughts of suicide or self mutilation sap your should and mire you in a pit of despair that no one can pull you out of and you do not feel you can be free of yourself. Now, if you were not here this might be true but if you have come this far then you have enough will power and persistence to be able to fight off the black dog.

All you need a is a little help from people who have been through the same thing and can give you the advice you need to stay motivated and make your life whole again.

I am talking about 'You Can Heal Your Depression Now', a downloadable guide written in easy to understand language that really gets to the root of the problems and teaches you how to put and end to them for a happier healthier life.

The author suffered from depression for 30 years so knows what she is talking about and does not advocate antidepressants which have been proven by recent research to be useless for many depression sufferers anyway!

For vastly less than the cost of a group therapy session you can download the guide immediately and get to work fixing your problems and there is a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

Click Here to see what the author has to say and you could be on your way to waking up every morning without a care in the world and happy ... to your very core.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Stop Acid Reflux Now!

Whether you suffer intermittent acid reflux of chronic heartburn also known as GERD you know the pain and sometimes near incapacitation of this condition.

What many don't know is the long term effects on your lungs and throat this can also cause which is quite scary.

There is however an incredibly comprehensive guide on how to stop acid reflux without using short term drugs. This all natural way of reducing your heartburn is all contained in a marvelous e-book by Kathryn Whittaker called Stop Acid Reflux Now!.

Kathryn has suffered this condition herself and has used her real world experiences to craft a solution for other sufferers.

If you want an end to heartburn click here to see what Kathryn has to offer you.

This is well worth the download.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ultimate Meditation Kit

If you are looking for a really informative and helpful guide on how to meditate "The Ultimate Meditation Guide" by Trevor Johnson could be just what you need.

With audio and text Trevor really gets to the core of meditation, how it can help you and how to improve your meditation skills even further.

So if you are looking for spiritual enlightenment or just a way to relax this guide covers all angles of meditation.

Click here to hear what Trevor has to say about meditation.


There is a special on for this guide right now but i don't think it is permanent!